Fendt 1050 vario
Best of Flames & Bangs
Sugar Beet harvesting at Goense Farms from St Philipsland in The Netherlands. The beets are harvested with a 6-row VERVEAT 625 bunkerharvester and the transport is done with their nice looking-and sounding John Deere 4755 with 30 tons Mullie 3 axxle tipper and a Verveat Hydro Trike XL with Panien beet chaser body to the temporary storage before the beets are transported to the factory to be processed into sugar.
4 Combine Harvesters Fendt, Claas, JD Tractors Agricult...
20:42Road Train / Fendt 1050 Vario
06:3190ft Purdy’s LAND PLANE
17:17Cabin for the T40 Tractor with Your Own Hands. Start
09:40Best Fails Of The Year | Try Not To Laugh
54:453,000 Acre Corn Field Harvested by CASE IH 9250 Combine...
17:17John Deere 4755 w/ Open Pipe & Vervaet Hydro Trike
06:40CASE IH 9260 Tractor
10:10Griggs Farms LLC End of Corn Harvest 2020 and Disaster ...